Record high temperature 113.2°F Record low temperature 28.9°F Record high gust 50.9 mph Record high average 30.0 mph Record daily rain 3.87 in. Record low windchill 28.0°F Record high barometer 30.637 in. Record low barometer 29.193 in.
Daily high pressure 30.217 in. Daily low pressure 30.113 in. Daily low windchill 51.3°F Daily high heat index 52.0°F Daily high gust speed 6.0 mph E Daily high average speed 3.0 mph E
Forecast: mostly clear with little temp. change.
Weather for North Stockton, California
LAST READING AT TIME: 10:40 DATE: December 22 2024, time of next update: 10:50
Current WeatherDry Current Temperature 52.0°F (11.1°C), Apparent temp 52.2°F, Apparent temp solar 52.2 °F
Maximum Temperature (since midnight)52.0°F at: 10:34 Minimum Temperature (since midnight)51.3°F at: 07:30
Average windspeed (ten minute)0.7 mph Wind Direction (ten minute)E (90°)
Windchill Temperature 52.0°F Maximum Gust (last hour)4.0 mph at: 09:58
Maximum Gust (since midnight)6.0 mph at: 08:20 Maximum 1 minute average (since midnight)3.0 mph at: 08:21
Rainfall (last hour)0.00 in. (0.0 mm) Rainfall (since midnight)0.04 in. (1.0 mm) at 08:09
Rainfall This month 1.75 in. (44.4 mm) Rainfall To date this year 13.66 in. (347.0 mm)
Maximum rain per minute (last hour)0.00 in/min Maximum rain per hour (last 6 hours)0.02 in/hour
Yesterdays rainfall 0.07 in DewPoint 51.2°F (Wet Bulb :51.6°F )
Humidity 97 %, Humidex 54.9°F Barometer corrected to msl30.191 in. (1022.4 hPa)
Pressure change -0.01 in. (last hour) Trend (last hour)STEADY
Pressure change (last 12 hours)+0.02 in Pressure change (last 6 hours)+0.00 in
Current solar 130 W/Mē Current UV0.6
Maximum solar (since midnight) 174 W/Mē Maximum UV (since midnight)0.7
Current 00:00 hours of sunshine today, current sky:
Sunshine hours for the year: 728:26 hrs Sunshine hours for the month: 13:25 hrs
Current evapotranspiration 0.00 inches per day. Yesterday's reading 0.01

This page is updated from recent data collected by a DAVIS VANTAGE PRO weather station Use the Reload or Refresh facility on your browser to retrieve the latest data.

Status report of weather station: OK, Sensor Array Batteries Replaced 01/29/2012

The data is logged at two minute intervals, but there is data recorded every minute. Best viewed in 800 x 600 and True colour.

Use the RELOAD facility on your browser to retrieve the latest data.

Click here for a daily update of the averages/extremes to date for the month

Created by "Weather Display" software version 10.37R Build 79 at this start time/date 13:11 8/12/2023